Accurate Trade Targets from Dancing with the Market

Accurate Trade Targets Result from Dancing with the Market as you can see from today’s live Crude Oil Inventory Report Session.

Whether you are trading with Spotlight Master Suite, Counter Punch Trader or Counter Punch Xpress 2, you would be dancing with the markets.  All three make for highly accurate, self-adjusted targets.

We let price action (them market) lead the dance, but we tune our steps to how the market is feeling — what the price action is telling us.

Accurate Trade Targets win again with our long running, extremely successful Crude Oil Inventory Report Live Session.

You can see this very same session replay itself over and over again throughout the years on our YouTube channel.  You will also find more videos about our style of trading.

Each strategy uses the same principals, but in different ways.  That is, we get highly accurate trade targets due to using one of the most important 12 Powers to Successful Trading (get the free ebook); The Power of Dynamic Setups.

Of course we combine the other 12 Powers as well with all that we do.  It’s like a recipe to our favorite dish.  We don’t want to change the recipe to something that is already perfect.

The 12 Powers to Successful Trading — Get the free Ebook.

    • The Power of Why
    • The Power of Foundation
    • The Power of the Tradeplan
    • The Power of Compounding
    • The Power of Numbers
    • The Power of Mechanical Rules
    • The Power of Dynamic Trade Setups
    • The Power of Quitting
    • The Power of Structure
    • The Power of Surrender
    • The Power of Lifestyle
    • The Power of the CEO

These are the ingredients to a successful trading recipe.  It is critical to include each in your trading business.

The free ebook explains each one in great detail.  It is important you understand how they all fit into what we do to be successful traders.

Be sure to check out our facebook page as well,





