Our Proven Trade Plan Wins Today with 2 Trades during our long running Crude Oil Inventory Report session this morning. See how we did it with the edited video below.
The price action was downright crappy. Don’t let lousy price action lull you to sleep though. The passing of time is one of the great challenges to all day traders.
It can be slow and lethargic but right when it nearly puts you to sleep, boring you to tears, it will slap you across your face and knock you off your chair! That’s why our Backpack Trader way of trading less, using our 12 Powers (the Power or Compounding for example), is the best way to trade.
We can learn to remain disciplined and focused for a short amount of time each day. Check out how our proven trade plan wins again, as we were able to remain focused for a short amount of time, hit our goals, and then go about our day. That’s the way day trading should be.
I have been posting these videos of this very session, replays from our traderoom, for years. The same strategy, Counter Punch Trader (and Counter Punch Xpress 2), as well as Spotlight Power Trader.
One of the major themes you will see, consistently over all that time, is how we just focus on our proven trade plan. It keeps things very simple and is the best way to find consistent success as a trader.
Regarding our 12 Powers to Successful Trading, you can see how they all work together to bring us ongoing trading success. Here are the obvious ones that you see at work with each of these sessions:
Also, the Power of Lifestyle and the Power of the CEO. In fact, they ALL are at play. Be sure to download your free copy of our 12 Powers ebook and start incorporating these pearls of wisdom into your daily trading.